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Prize Winners

This page will be updated with prize winner information shortly after each drawing.

Early Bird #1 Drawing:
Winners will be announced Thursday, May 29, 2025.
Add-On #1 Drawing:
Winners will be announced Thursday, May 29, 2025.
Early Bird #2 Drawing:
Winners will be announced Thursday, July 10, 2025.
Add-On #2 Drawing:
Winners will be announced Thursday, July 10, 2025.
Multiticket Drawing:
Winners will be announced Thursday, August 14, 2025.
Grand Prize Drawing:
Winners will be announced Thursday, August 14, 2025.
Add-On #3 Drawing:
Winners will be announced Thursday, August 14, 2025.

See Our List of Previous Winners

How The Drawing Works:

The drawings will take place on the dates listed and as described in the rules, though they may be subject to rescheduling. The raffle will be held under the supervision of an independent auditor. Additionally, Raffle Tickets that meet specific eligibility requirements may give you a chance to enter bonus drawings for more prizes, like Early Bird or Multiticket Drawings!

You don’t need to be present to win any prize.

Winners will be notified using the contact information provided when you purchase your ticket. Be sure your email, phone number, and address are up-to date with RMHC-SD so you don’t miss out on any prizes!

All Early Bird, Add-On, Multiticket, and the first 37 Grand Prize winners will first receive a phone call within 24 hours of the drawing, followed by an email and physical mail within 3-5 business days. All other winners will be contacted via email first, then physical mail where requested or necessary whereas an email is not present.

Past Winners

Winner Stories

2021 - Alex Higley

2018 - Dan Lee
